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7 Ways to Keep Your Spine Healthy – Bedford


Although many people may end up with spine pain or some other type of spinal problem in their life, there are also some things that can be done to help prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. Many of these are not only things that can help individuals with a healthy back, they are also a good idea for those with back problems as well. Of course, anybody with back problems should always talk to a doctor prior to the time that they do any type of physical activity.

When you keep these following 7 tips in mind, it can help to protect your lower back and keep you healthy. In addition, some of these tips are also going to help in other areas of life as well. If you do have any back pain in the Bedford area, you can contact us. Our spine surgeon can offer you a variety of options that may be able to work in your favor. You may also recommend some of these options for keeping your spine healthy.

1. Core exercises – When you have a strong core, it is going to give the support that is necessary to keep your spine strong. Many of the issues that we face with our back is not actually a problem with the back but rather, it is a problem with our core muscles. Of course, it is still necessary for you to pay attention to the other tips and to keep your back is healthy as possible but strengthening your core muscles can help to lend some support and avoid injury.

2. Lifting properly – more than likely, you have heard that you are supposed to lift with your legs and not with your back. The back is an amazing part of the human body and it helps us to be able to do everything from bending over to standing upright. The muscles in the back and the spine, however, are not the best option for lifting something that is heavy. Your legs, on the other hand, are some of the largest muscles in the human body so when you lift with your legs instead of your spine, your spine will benefit.

3. Posture – One of the most important things that you can do in life is to improve your posture. Most of us tend to slouch when we are standing and when we’re sitting, we will often find ourselves leaning forward, trying to read the screen in front of us. It is important to maintain correct posture. Not only can it help to protect the spine, it provides many other benefits as well.

4. One motion – The back is used for lifting (remember to lift with the legs) and it is also used for twisting. Although it is capable of doing both of those actions, you would only want to do one at a time. When you lift something and twist at the same time that is when many spine injuries occur.

5. Stretch – It is a good idea to have a regular stretching routine as a part of your overall health maintenance program. Believe it or not, one of the things that you can do to protect your lower back is to stretch your hamstrings. These two areas tend to go hand-in-hand and when your hamstrings are loose, your back is more likely to be healthy.

6. Stand up – if you sit down at your job on a regular basis, try standing up on occasion. It can really make a difference when you stand on your feet and move about. Sitting is not good for you, especially if you do it for an extended amount of time. If necessary, set an alarm to remind yourself to stand up.

7. Be healthy – perhaps one of the most important things you can do to maintain a healthy spine is to maintain a healthy body. This will include getting regular exercise, plenty of sleep and eating a healthy diet. Staying healthy is more than something that will help you to keep off those extra pounds. It will help you to have a healthy spine.

Keeping these things in mind will certainly go a long way in helping you to keep your back healthy. If you do have any problems in the Bedford area with spine pain, however, contact us. As a spine doctor, I can offer you the assistance you need in helping to get you back on your feet again.

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5575 Frisco Square Blvd, Suite 110
Frisco, TX 75034
Phone: 785-428-0924
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